Have you ever wanted to see your credit card balance get smaller and smaller each month? I remember a few months ago, I was in a situation where my credit card balance was really sneaking up on me. I had just taken a vacation trip to California to visit my family and friends, and in the months prior to the trip my credit card balance was about 20%-30% of my available credit; definitely a manageable amount. Now, I was in a situation where my balance was reaching 80%. I knew right away that I needed to take action. I could not allow myself to max out a credit card, as it was something I never thought could happen to me and I vowed it wouldn't.
Since then, I have operated on a budget that involved me paying for day to day expenses using cash. I simply leave my credit card at home each day. I now view it as a means to acquire a loan as opposed to an item for daily use. This strategy has proven to be one of the best financial decisions I have made all year. My balance is slowly going down, I am spending less money each month, and I feel as though I am doing much better overall financially. If you are interested in experiencing some of these benefits, definitely give cash spending a shot and give your credit card a break.