Are you interested in starting a budget? Many people feel that a budget is a lot of work and will take a lot of time, but the truth is that a budget is only as difficult as you make it. What a lot of people experience soon after making a budget is a lack of motivation to keep it going. A lot of people tend to fizzle, so it is important to set goals for yourself. Instead of simply saying you're going to begin budgeting, set a goal to budget for a specific amount of time, and set a reward you get after hitting that goal. That way you're creating motivation to budget.
A great goal to set is to budget your cash for one entire year. Doing this means you will get to see where your money is going over all 4 seasons, because just budgeting over a few weeks or a month won't really give you an accurate estimate of how your overall spending is done. Here are a few tips for keeping a budget across an entire year: